
Trusted steps only prove

To trample deep within

Hidden chambers which conceal

My darkest state of sin

The hands shred the last

Portion of shelter from the eyes

Of the people who see to judge

And are incapable of lies

Their minds cast ashes upon

Me to make it seem

As if the only truth of me

Was part of some lost dream

Yet when they wake to find

Their secrets upon the walls

Judging eyes will close

Unable to believe it all

Tossing blame to the un-expecting

Ones who will not deny

Those who can sort through

What is real and what are lies

With their realities revealed

Mine are no place near

The prison I felt placed in

Released and abandoning fear

One day will soon arrive

When their steps will lead

Their souls to the painful world

Where people live and bleed

With wounds matching my own

They shall end their trance

Knowing I am struggling too

And I deserved a chance

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singmoriah's picture

Wow this is a really good poem. I know how you feel, how the world judges us and all and how we all deserve a chance. This has really inspired me to know there are other people out there that feel the same way I do. Thank you for your poem and keep writing!