
poisons that infuse me

willingly, admittedly, forbidingly

grasping me completely, deeply, repeatedly

poisons excite me

invite me, intice me, tightly

poisons in my mind

in the forefront

being blunt

at the back of me their attacking me

forsaking me

my soul they take from me

effortlessly, imprisoning me

singing to me while they are stinging me

poisons lead me here

is it too much for me to disappear

poisons take me in and never let me go

overdose me whyll im dozing off without a pulse

heres my poison

i beg you to induldge

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Jesster's picture

I indulge in your drugtaking

I indulge in your drug

taking your poison

into my veins

I have chosen

continue this ride

I'm not gonna hide

my addiction to you

will not be denied

Copyright © JessterStarshine

IamWhoIam's picture

a healthy addictionone

a healthy addiction

one without friction

poisons are real 

addiction is a word meant to reveal

a pain that isnt meant to heal

Jesster's picture

If the drug of choice is

If the drug of choice is inspiration

and induces contemplation

I don't see how or why

there's any reason to deny

There isn't any need to heal

for otherwise we may not feel

Copyright © JessterStarshine

IamWhoIam's picture

theres many different

theres many different poisons

yet none are good

unheathy and un guided

this much is understood

yet for a moment in time

we may be forced to see

was once a poison now a reason to be

Jesster's picture

Then guide me in a healthy

Then guide me in a healthy way 

so I may continue to play 

Please make sure I don't get hurt

I'll ingest your poison as my cure

Copyright © JessterStarshine

IamWhoIam's picture

take the poison away from

take the poison away from your heart

thats when the true healing may start

im cold and emotionless

my poison is my heartbeat

one that i never will miss

a meer memory of the weak

Jesster's picture

My heart's boundaries are

My heart's boundaries are well in place 

I take the risk with God's grace 

the poison that your heart released 

is only a false imagery 

I'll pump fire into you

so maybe you wont look so blue

In your heart there is a spark

of warmth and love that isn't dark

Copyright © JessterStarshine

IamWhoIam's picture

a heart never knows

a heart never knows boudaries

it lets everyone in

and its a sin

the difference is my guard leads me to my own demise

and this it reminds

a heart is like a door

the more you open it

the less it will endure

and this is for sure

leave it locked

twice as moch as the times before

Jesster's picture

It's true my heart has no

It's true my heart has no true boundaries

It wants to love unconditionally

though it takes some stabs sometimes

forgiveness is what it always finds

Copyright © JessterStarshine

IamWhoIam's picture

our only weakness is to

our only weakness is to forgive

and this is my downfall

id rather forget and remain locked

until truth reveals itself above all

allets's picture


Nice rap...in this market it would be a winner (whyl as while and their as they're-they are). Doesn't stay in one place which is okay in lyrics - a winner ~~A~~


Poison pens

souls leaking

mind corrupted

heart unable

to heal and work

too much drunken

to little absorption

cells cryin'










IamWhoIam's picture

ink leaking on the page like

ink leaking on the page like a broken heart filled with rage leaving a stain left for us to astain for days.....hell yea thank u for reading