yard sale

The Indian Summer air still hangs thick and fragrant
 as neighbors turn their lawns into Gypsy caravans.
Laying  posessions out for the world to see.
Sticking a price tag on a disused past,
bidding it good-bye for a haggled price.
      Curiously I wander from blanket to blanket
getting to know you like a close lover.
   A voyeur
   Let me try on your shoes ,
 moth eaten coats
 (receipts from a resturaunt tucked in the pocket),
 and your jewelry
(necklaces and bracelets knotted for eternity).
   I thumb through your books
(tracing your notations with my little finger)
 and sit in your Mahogany chairs.
     I bring you a purse that was peeking
out from a box labeled:
 "kitchen supplies"
handing over a five dollar bill
soft and wet from being crumpled in my fist.
You hold the purse one more time appraisingly
and press it in my hands letting out a wistful sigh.
      For an instant
I know you better than
anyone ever has.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

yardsales are cathartic.

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9inety's picture

Sounds like

Excellent poem, where I live, here in the states, we also call them fleamarkets....



"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot