Things are things

Things are


Nothing's different

but everything's different and nothing's the same

but I'm still sitting here

thinking different things, but somehow

the same things all over again

I'm just kinda waiting

I don't know for what exactly

Maybe a change, but maybe I want to keep everything the same

I don't really know what I want

I guess for now things are just


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Jumbled thoughts, but I was feeling jumbled at the time so it makes sense to me

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Allison Carr's picture

kiddo, i know exactly how you feel here, this is kind of where "things" are for me right now. i've read all your stuff numerous times today, and i just love it. i had no idea... im glad i know this facet of you now. it's such a joy and honor to be able to see these moments as you have written. thank you. love ya