Let Go

I tell myself to let go, that all this crap is not worth it.

He can't make up his mind, but still I can't make myself change.

I pull away because I don't know how I feel.

I can't just suppress every feeling I had.

It takes time to to feel comfortable.

I hate to be ignorant to his fickleness, but there's still something there and I can't help it.

I'm stuck in his grip and I'm not powerful enough to let that go.

I wish I could let go, I wish it was that easy, but I squeeze that piece of hope with all my might so I won't lose it again.

I got hurt once, I should stop this shit, why does he attract me still?

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jb's picture

gotta love boys. and they suck too.

Dannielle Candy's picture

i can totally relate to this, i liked a guy for ages and he just kept hurting me again and again but i still loved him and couldn't let go. i know how u feel and ur not alone. just hang in there and u'll be fine, just be strong. and keep writing too, it helps and ur stuff is really good.

James Haggerty's picture

Maybe you should read "The Ten Stupid Things Women Do To Mess Up Their Lives" by Dr. Laura Schlessinger. It does sound like you are speaking from the heart. James