The Acquaintance

I met a man on the street today

His clothes were dark and his eyes were grey

He shook my hand and smiled surely

His cool composure made me feel unworthy


“It’s nice to meet you,” I said insincerely

Meaning to sound that it wasn’t really

I wished for him to step aside

But instead he sighed, and then replied


“It is no pleasure for you or I

To meet one another as passers-by

When first we met I cursed you greatly

How odd to forget an event so stately”


I was taken off guard but quickly recovered

“If I am cursed sir, it has not been discovered

And forgive me if I do not recollect

This event and us having ever met”


The man sighed again, then smiled wryly

“You know me quite well and regard me quite highly

I control every aspect and train of your thought

How strange of you to think I do not”


At this I was startled and had no reply

What was the difference between he and I?

He was no human, of this I was sure

Hesitantly I ventured, “Who are you sir?”


“I am older than time, as ancient as thought

I was there when the ramparts of planets were wrought

I battled with God through celestial planes

I whispered to angels and infected their brains

Even Satan himself; who was Lucifer

Fell from the light and gave in to my lure

I am the greatest evil in the universe

Yes there are many, but I am the first

I am the force that divides every nation

The sin that defiles all of creation

I started the cycle; I plan to end it

No human mortal can defend against it”


I trembled with fear and shook to my core

As I remembered where I had met him before

He clouded my conscience like the blackest of stars

I looked into his eyes, “I know who you are…”


“Not a who but a what,” the man then replied

“By your actions I am personified

The scourge of all men who have live and have died”

He then tipped his hat, “I am your pride”


He then stepped around me, then casually passed

Leaving a presence so foreboding and vast

He whistled a tune so quaint and so eerie

Somehow despite that, it sounded quite cheery



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soulstonic's picture

Wow!! This is your best so

Wow!! This is your best so far! The way he was presented and captured...pride left a lasting impression on my mind.

Well done love!!!<3


Morningglory's picture

Hmmm... Interesting read. I

Hmmm... Interesting read. I liked it. :)

Copyright © morningglory