the story of the bent quarter

Where shall I begin with all this? Oh yeah I already did. All right then so in remembering Michael that spring and his disintegrated little clan of delinquent kids, how he loved collecting them coins like a loony-binned pirate, and attached incredible sentimental value to each of these shiny silver modern commodities jingling about in those iconic ripped pockets, dressed in the height of fashion with his fancy flared cutoff slacks all but gone to shreds. Identity is literally the only reason we’re here. What’s the deal with all these psychonauts trying to constantly conquer it? Although I suppose spirits are still able to entertain levels of identification as well… and ain’t that the mad fractal of diving deep, or hey for the sake of the pun, flying high (much like a salvia trip)?
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it took me, salvia

I packed it in my one hitter s I was sitting on the edge of my mattress in my sacred room I had  created on the property I was living. I was alone. I lit the cigarette style pipe and turned looking over my right shoulder at the Noone there people/person and said aloud, "does it suddenly feel like high school in here?" I dragged another puff and turned my head left, thinking, "is this what it feels like when you're dying"? I laid on the floor and turned on a CD breathwork meditated and focused on my breath. I recall little munchkin creatures all around me yelling, "the spleet the spleet the spleet." a word I created to describe the sound that was not in human language. I couldn't find human language to describe the experience. I decided this wasn't something I would do again until I had been able to fully contemplate it. I feel I experienced eternity and many different life cycles in that 7 to 12 minute journey. Profoundly affected..

Copyright © JessterStarshine

Jesster's picture


Salvia is strange and how could one even begin to describe it with human words?

Copyright © JessterStarshine

Pungus's picture

Well, for starters, it warped

Well, for starters, it warped me into the consciousness of whatever I was looking at and, as that object, made me spiral into infinite fractal-fuck.

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not

redbrick's picture

An exciting concept:

An exciting concept: 'psychonauts' and that notion of fitting in and standing out. Brings to mind the 'cool kids' dynamic of navigating life.

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver