Shadow Dancers

Just a thought!

Moonlit wings dancing in shadows, delicate silken veils engulfing this sweet silhouette.

With every turn, stirs of stardust illuminate her barefoot ballet.

Baby breath hair wisping the air as a sensuous stare peeks through the edge of darkness.

Her innocents motions to draw me in with a soft caress of her lips.

In angelic allure, she whispers my name. Lustfully, I reach for a moments touch.

My mind seduced by this temptress dove, entangled in a blissful abyss,

I am suddenly awakened by a swift palpitating heart.

With a deep breath, regaining composure, I escape captivity to remain...outside the shadows.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I got the idea from a little birdie...I think it was a Dove'

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Co3ru135c3n7's picture


The amount of emotion and beauty that you have compressed into so few lines is amazing, and is always a sign of a classic.  I am mighty impressed by this poem.

Coerulescent [fka Starward]

deepinyourdreams's picture

Thanks for the comments'

Thanks for the comments'
