Oh as the breath comes in
it hits upon a blockage
of great discomfort
the stomach is full
and the mind is chattering
all the upsets are coming to surface
the breath comes back in
every so carefully
caressing the body and mind
feelings come up to the surface
feelings that would
otherwise be suppressed
discomfort in the midsection
arising out of thought
forehead tight in contemplation
what is the right thing to do?
how can this be handled fairly
One doesn't always know
we hold so much inside
obligations draw us to that
which we know in our hearts
is not right for us
I do not know how to approach
this subject of expectation
expectations of me
allowing obligatory reaction
doing without the heart being on board
oh, what the ...
a big sneeze
banish these feelings
expel the dis-ease
remove this constraint
set this mind free
set this body free
the uncaged bird flies
the caged bird dies
inside of its own being
imprisoned within a mind
so intent on holding spirit captive
it does not relent
it gives it's own power away
it does not fly
even when the gate is left open
And an easy read - slc