Why can't I just... speak?
These things are unexplainable.
Why does it have to be me?
You were chosen and agreed.
But there's more than just me, right?
Of course, we are all on our own individual journeys.
It feels like people might be in competition.
Some folks may be but you were already chosen.
Fine then. What am I supposed to do now?
You'll know when you are asked.
Can you tell me again my mission?
You already know, don't ask me.
damn,what is our mission,we
damn,what is our mission,we wander through life,we love
we hate,we do the best we can with what we have
ron parrish
Spread love and light. Each of us has our own mission. It's just not really easy to remember fully. I figure...always choose love.
Copyright © JessterStarshine
sometimes it`s hard to choose
sometimes it`s hard to choose love
ron parrish