Please forgive me for my... addiction
Smoke still does...
Rise from these fingertips
As I pull away from my face
For spiraling gray clouds
who exhale from my mouth
I fucked everything off for this trap
I'm still stuck on this path
As I raise my middle finger to the sky
And deny that I caused it
You know,
it's a good poem when you're throwing birds!
"We are, Each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." -Luciano De Crescenzo
That literally made me laugh out loud.
Grassy ass! :p
Copyright © JessterStarshine
You are indeed remarkable in your expressions. I mean it from the depth of my heart. Smoking is harmful to one's health but some people, especially thinkers, poets, philosophers and even scientists, did not die because they were smokers. Isn't it a paradox which the health experts have not been to solve as yet? Even I smoke -- cigarettes, cigars, pipes and even the hookah. It comforts and soothes me and lends its unexplainable blend to my poetry and literature. I think stress is more harmful than smoking so why not go for a smoke and defeat the stress lingering to kill us slowly from the inside? I like this poem.
Muhammad Naveed Ahmed.
Pen name:Emmenay.
Yahoo email ID:Ambitious7
Initials: M.N. Ahmed.
That's comforting. Too often do I allow stress to enter my being. Anxiety I suppose. Sometimes nothing is even happening to get me feeling that way. But I think I pick up on the vibrations around me. Then of course I do keep drinking coffee and I should recognize its anxious effects. Another should... Or should not to keep indulging. Thank you for your words!! Much appreciated.
Copyright © JessterStarshine