From the Heart of Darkness


a child of darkness

born for the night

waiting for dusk

shunning the light

knowing her destiny

following her fate

preparing for forever

she doesn't have time to wait

denying her innocence

crying for the end

craving for passions unknown

calling to her friend

the time has come

i am ready

you know what to do

just hold me steady

no resisting

i've waited to long for this

now, before i die

give me one last kiss of bliss

to the heart of darkness i go

take me into your arms

erase all my fears i've known

and keep me from harm


Author's Notes/Comments: 

i wrote this because i was inspired by the night...and other things...

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Cyrus Soulstice's picture

I was definitely impressed with this. There was some very good alliteration scattered without the poem "crying, craving, calling," and so on that I thought was a nice touch. That really adds to the flow of the overall thing. Good job, of course.

M's picture

Good evening Countess, Your just belt'em out. Once again, You just keep gettin better and better my little demon. It appears you have found some inspiration.

Absorbing the power
created by light
shining so brightly
under shadow of night...

In Darkness We Fall