I was born in the land of the free,
But am I really?
Freedom is an illusion put forth by those
Who would create unrest in the world.
I can do this, I can do that.
Does that make me free?
In my small context, I guess it does.
As long as I don’t reach the bounds
Of my little world,
I am free. What happens when I
Hit that wall? The wall of, “Thou shalt not”.
Ok, I am kind of free…more so than some.
I am aware of the illusion
I can live with that you see,
Because in my mind, I am free.
What's really funny to me is after I read the title of this piece, I was already thinking of a debate of whether or not we're truly free. Then, I read this piece and found you agreeing with me. There went my debate, but gained is my awe. Thank you for sharing your wonderful work and insight.
Actually freedom is a state of mind, if that is what you mean through your poetry?