Will you be my Valentine? ___ Yes ___ No (Select One)
So many cards start this way,
from children on Valentine's day.
So sad our childlike qualities lost,
being adults at what cost.
Would it not be great to turn back the clock
to our childhood to unlock
Those special qualities that did not judge,
and our happiest memories were in vanilla and fudge.
Playing house was all in fun,
Responsibilities, we had none,
Except to make our bed and clean our room,
And our babies came from the store and not the womb.
Hide and seek were a past time,
Now families drift apart and are hard to find.
How I miss those happier times
When you could be my Valentine.
Huck this poem really touched me. What did happen to those innocent days of childhood when a little boy could kiss a little girl on the cheek and not be accused of sexual harressment? When your little girlfriends spent the night and you slept in the same bed and nothing was thought of it? I also miss those times. Very nice touching write and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to you too.
Hugs and smiles