
When I think about you,


dog shit immediately comes to mind. 


But comparing you


to the smell of dog shit


is a compliment. 



The US government needs


to reconsider its focus,


as your terrorizing


puts known terror cells to shame. 


Your own kids have claimed Jihad


against you.  How terrible a mother


must be?



I'd rather take a bite out of a rotten apple


then kiss you.  Your breath is a constant


smell of rotten meat and vinegar.  Your tongue,


like a slithering snake's.  Your lips are drier than


the floor of the mojave desert.  I'd rather


puke into a cup and then redrink my own vomit


before ever kissing you again. 



Your ass looks like a pancake


thats been pelted by bird shot.  If your face


had as many hemroids as your ass,


you'd have less acne.  But what's funny


is your even uglier on the inside.  Hate 


is not a strong enough word.  


Get the hint you fucking pig. 

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A Rant

It's very hard for me to rant.  I have a hard time speaking badly about people, but this is my attempt.  Any suggestions, or criticism would be great!  Thanks.

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I didn't quite know how to end it either.  Help!