
I sit here in the dark, wondering why I am still here?

Am I crazy so this I bear?

I try to overcome the drama in this life

I struggle and fight, ending up slit with a knife

I stood tall and firm but in the middle of the battle

You’ve broken my spirit, walked in the debris that crackle

you crushed my spirit  while you say you love me

Laughing at the bits and pieces of the love and memory

Why do I stay, then? I asked myself a million times

Do I want the pain or am I simply too kind?

Am I numbed by the situations running in rewind?

Or do I chose to be slanderously blind?

I schemed and plotted and planned to escape

but you pull me back with visions of abundance fed with vines of grapes

I pray that my Creator give me the strength

To finally have the courage to break free and bend

I feel like Gretle leaving myself clues

To free myself of this sacrifice and abuse

I m stuck in this dream that I cannot wake up to

I hope its not to late to awaken to what is true….

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Afzal Shauq's picture

its intersting poem too ..meaningful, lovely done and idea is good too... hope you add more poems too