Dark Days'

I knew days would be dark again;

I let it be known by the heaviness of my breath.

I took one look at you and saw shame in your eyes,

Shame for having given your every thought and feeling to the wrong man.

I understood right from the back how it was and how you felt,

But I still chose to remain blind and hopeful.

Seeing every motion you made, and hearing every word you spoke to me.

My heart now torn apart and weeping from having given its all to someone who didn’t want it.

My days are now longer and so bleak, so frightened am I now to even look at myself.

I don’t want to see the disgrace upon my face of one so humble and stupid.

I thought id give you my all and receive the same, but I handed you my heart to have it break.

All I can honestly say is thank you; you have given me a glimpse of what it would feel like.

I had a burden upon me that was relieved; it felt as if I was no longer alone and dead in my soul.  

I saw the light that was to bring a smile onto my face.  

Now I see a face that is to tear for a light to be shed.

I have been left to seek and find once again.

To learn and to understand how life really is and what it has to offer.

I would give you my life, my soul and all of my tears just to know if you cared.

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Very deep, I have been there before.