The Cockroach and the spider.




The cockroach and the spider


There was once a spider, beautiful, with long black legs and a silky smooth body. It was the king of the small valley it called a home. It would pass his days reminiscing about its beauty and wondering why no one was like it. Life in the little valley was calm. There were no trees to prevent the sun from touching the smooth skin of the spider. Only beautiful flowers on which the spider would be around comparing its own beauty with them. One day a small cockroach entered the beautiful valley of the spider. Repelled at the ugly nature of the cockroach the spider screamed:


            “Ugly cockroach. You are now in my territory; henceforth I can do whatever I want with you. So I tell you to be gone before I sink my poisonous fang in you”


The cockroach not recognizing whom the voice was from looked up. The spider was right above it and getting closer. Spooked the cockroach begged:


            “Please, kind, merciful lord of the valley. Don’t end my life, for I am a simple cockroach that wishes to cross your valley to arrive at more prosperous lands.”


            “I would let you cross if you weren’t so ugly. If you would cross my small valley you would end up poisoning the flowers you are nothing but an insufferable filthy Insect. I repeat be gone.”


Humiliated by the spider, the cockroach turned around and returned to its lands. The spider would live a few couple of months peacefully in its beautiful valley.



            The spider would remember the day it saved its land by vanishing the horrible cockroach. He would spend the next couple of months peacefully among the flowers of its valley. This was until one day it rained. It continued for 12 hours, and then 24, then 2 days. The rain didn’t seem to stop.


            The valley was being destroyed, the water destroyed many flowers and the valley was starting to flood. The spider remained in its house, but the water was reaching a critical level and it had to leave. It ran outside an looked for a way out. He tried to get his silk to connect to a tree, but there weren’t any of those around. The spider turned and faced it’s fate, it would drown. The spider heard a buzzing, a flapping of wings. It was saved!


He looked for the sound and found it in the shape of a small cockroach speeding past his valley looking at it and laughing.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Héctor González

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