My answer is yes
I want to runway together
I want to be with you forever
Because I love you
My answer is yes
I want to do something crazy
I want to be stupid
Because I want to be remembered
My answer is yes
I want to change my life
I want to be someone else
Because I hate who I’ve become
My answer is yes
I want to be happy again
I want to smile
Because I want to be your world
Reminds me of a lesson I
Reminds me of a lesson I learned about what other's view as 'running away' is nothing like what is really going on. "Running away begins the journey of search for life's meaning, and it can be full of unexpected surprises as well as ghastly adventures. Bon Voyage!
...and best of luck!
...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."
"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "