I love him so much
And can’t let him know
I’ve wronged him so many
Thus my feelings can’t show
I realized this
A conversation early on
After long months wait
Only to remain withdrawn
He explained to me
Why he won’t take me back
And I find his trust for me
Is in a complete lack
But the odd thing is
It hurts him to find
That if I no longer love him
He would totally unwind
He’ll have no one in the world
Yet he won’t be with me
He would no longer exist
And this I do not agree
Why must I still love him
But his I am deprived
As I sit back in dormancy
While his new love is derived
I help him through relationships
I give my shoulder for his crying
My tears flow, so he doesn’t appear weak
And in the end without him I’m complying
For I love him this much
To give and not receive
Honestly being happy with this
If true love he will achieve
Like a mother’s mercy to her child
Through their pains till her death
I will always love and care for him
Even after my last breath
So I shall refrain
Holding back my cries
This great love for him till
Again I show my loyal reprise
Inspired by: / Dedicated to: Gerald E. Lindberg III
Created on: June 26, 2007 – 2359