
We were just talking

Enjoying our stroll

But while we were walking

There stepped in some soul

He pointed a gun

Brought us to disarray

Pulled me aside

Pushed Keith out of the way

A knife was pulled out

Placed against my throat

And while I did not move

I tried to take note

The knife was tightly pressed

Every move would either cut or shoot

And with the limited space I had

I found a possible root

The gun was cocked

My brain was a burst

As he was about to fire

I did what I knew worst

I jolted down

Trying to avoid the blade

Hit him in the groin

But my neck was the price paid

The man went down

And I kicked him again

While holding my throat

I soon felt the pain

I was bleeding profusely

Yielding to unconsciousness

I felt Keith carry me

To the nearest hospital address

I was rushed into the emergency room

While he sat and waited

But when the doctors came out

And this is what they stated

Your wife lost a lot of blood

We tried our best to save her

When she was cut it pierced the main vein

And we weren't able to help any, Sir

However her last words were

Through a gurgled mess of sounds

That she always loved you more

But let you win some of the rounds

And don't go hunting the man

She forgives him

And you should too

Because everything happens for a reason

Where you'll understand that

Moment it comes through

Inspired by: song "Don't Take the Girl"

Created on:  June 22, 2006 - 01:23

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Whisper  @~}~~'s picture

really enjoyed this one, charged with emotion and a residual sadness really nice thoughtful poem
stay happy

jerry_joseph_huggins's picture

I totally love this poem. I find it very difficult to find a poem that actually tells a story. This, I feel, was very well written and posessed a wonderful rhyme. Though, I didn't under stand the line,

"But let you win some of the rounds"

Anyway, still a great poem. I look forward to reading more of your work.

poetvg's picture

beautifull poem

Aquila Vanetta's picture

Such sadness, such emotion, such a strong moral .. this was a beautiful poem