
My heart is broken

My heart is tore

He broke up with me

And I feel like a whore

He made me convinced

That we'd be forever

He'd take care and love me

Until my paternal endeavor

My father confronted him

Told him what I needed

It must have scared him off

Cause as he thought he retreated

He wanted the best for me

He thought that he wasn't

So he decided to break-up

Because he thinks he doesn't

I've been crying

Over someone I can't forget

For the past 5 hours

All because he's upset

He wanted to break-up

Because of the distance

Now I can understand this

But he didn't give me any subsistence

I had finally trusted someone

With the WHOLE of my heart

And what happens as soon as I do

It's WHOLLY torn apart

I was ready to set my mind

Into committing in a marriage

Until he gets scared and has to find

Some sort of disparage

So he's got this negative thought

About not being able to support

Who said I really needed financial help

I just wanted love, money's my last resort

But here I have nothing on one hand

And the other an opportunity

To take this solemn experience

And make the next have better unity

I know that is good

Why can't I just take it

Why does it hut so much

Why can't I just shake it

Inspired by: / Dedicated to: Keith Marshal Hixenbaugh

Created on:  July 4, 2006 - 06:38

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