
I cried again

More than before

And these past 5 days

I've felt my heart pour

Engraved on my face

Stained on my clothes

No longer hold the grace

Of before this all arose

Within these sockets

And inside this cage

There were these pockets

That were filled with rage

Then he opened them

Taking in all I had

From then I was to condemn

Because he took in that bad

The arguments were rough

And the fighters were rougher

We always get into a scruff

That tried to show who was tougher

But through all that

Both emotional and hard

Breaking through the combat

There's something I regret

The reason why we fought

And why we're not together

From this I have been taught

I am truly nether

Inspired by: Gerald E. Lindberg III

Created on: January 13, 2006

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