The Climb

He's holding on
trying to climb to the top
an anchor, tremendous weight
holding him back
only cause he's been told this
over an over again
and i'm sorry to say
your son is grown
i'll always be your baby boy
but times are different
it time for me to make mistakes.
It's okay,
i take this now
this tremendous weight
reverse to support
my allies in life
we walk our own path
yet side by side
advancing to the top

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this poem is about my parents constantly saying my friends are holding me back in life but if it weren't for them i dont know where i would be today.

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SSmoothie's picture

gonna take the otherside just for balance...

Where would you be without your parents? And sometimes we just are too attached to our issues to see, how ever, I'm sure you could always prove them wrong by succeeding ;) I'm a parent of a kid who can't trust learning from second hand mistakes can you tell? Lol I hope and my kid proves me wrong!! Great poem thanks for letting me see the other side again, my parents weren't too crash hot either. On to bigger and brighter things with the wind and your friends at your back cheers SS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

cassiebee's picture

i love this! you summed up

i love this! you summed up the point, but made it sound great! i don't know where i would be without my friends either. they pick me up when i fall and knock me down when i'm up too high. God bless friends!

The Princess in Waiting


grangerwoodard's picture

thank you

your totally right. my friends and i have been through so much they are like my family.

Elfy's picture

I loved this, it was short

I loved this, it was short but was exactly to the point. i connected to this poem.
My parents do the same thing to me, but my friends are what have gotten me through life.
Stood by my side, and have saved my life more then a few times. With out them, i wouldnt be here.
Well written and welcome to post poems. ill keep a eye out for more of ur work, feel free to explore mine.


grangerwoodard's picture

thank you so much

thank you very much i will keep an eye out as well. please correct me in any of my future work i am always looking for help to improve.

allets's picture

Friends As Family

You just get tight...sometimes it seems tighter than family, a new family. I am 63 and this is my advice to you poet-son, if they drift away or get angry and leave, take the best ground possible, go to them and humbly complain about how long you have been friends who love each other and support each other and never lie to each other. "I'm just here for you now," is a good way to cut through the crap and keep a friend who drifts or tries to leave. Pride is for swallowing when you love and hurt so badly, the same goes for parents who are wise ~Best holiday wishes to you ~Lady A~


