Live life to the fullest,
they say...
But why try?
Why should I even try?
When every time I'm remotely close
to being happy.
To feeling more like myself...
Life just throws me off the bridge
into the black water.
The black water that's hard
to even escape from.
Life life to the fullest...
But why try?
Why should I even try?
I'm basically a slave,
(In truth, we're all slaves)
but all I ever seem to get done
is going to work,
getting paid and then going broke,
before the week is up.
I work and don't have much to show for it.
For life just likes to throw me off the bridge...
Rightt into the black water.
So why should I live life to the fullest?
Why should I try?
What's the point,
when everything I do is a failure.
you are so beautiful
you are so beautiful