There are pieces, pieces everywhere
One over here and another over there
They all go together like twigs in a nest
Oh, those pieces will surely put a brain to the test
Oh, how those pieces make a click and a snap
When you put them together
It doesn’t matter what kind of weather
Any life, every life is just a perfect puzzle not put together
Because every puzzle is not the same
Some are big, some are small
Different pieces for everyone
Every single piece makes a picture together
While some are easy, and others hard
Just a work of art, put in a million pieces
Just to put them back together again.
how i see it as well. not for
how i see it as well. not for us to try and put together, but that which we do, god help those who have no eyes to see it is then our responsibility to use to benefit the greater good! to turn a blind eye on the reasons why there is so much gone wrong serves nothing but instant gratification most often.
...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."
"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "
Suddenly I feel puzzled.
Suddenly I feel puzzled.
Copyright © JessterStarshine