John Lennon wrote about watching the wheels go round and round but I sit in a bar and watch the customers come and go as the hours while away. I suspect the judgements will be unkind.  I talk to the bartender about a girl we both knew from high school.  It has been awhile since either of us saw her pretty face.  She probably looks fantastic and is likely living a good life.  I feel content with my own existence.  I jot down notes on a memo pad.  Hopefully, they can later be transformed into verse.  I’m really in no hurry.  I’ll force my mind to hallucinate frantic commuters into human rats.  I’ll get home soon enough.  I always liked this Lennon song.  I’ll own my laziness and craziness.  I’ll sleep well tonight and every night


Frantic commuters

quaffing a quick libation

rushing for a train


I lazily sip on drink

moments and hours passing



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saiom's picture

both are great

both the poem and the poem within the poem are great



georgeschaefer's picture

thank you

thank you