I’m trying to read Ginsberg’s Mind Breaths in 30th Street Station but my eyes become enraptured by the loveliness of an Amtrak passenger in queue for the D.C. train. I can not focus on the poetry on the page. I keep looking up at her. She is soon to hop on a train to Washington D.C. or some point in between. I am waiting for a local train back to the Suburbs.
reading poetry
killing time with a good book
eyes get distracted
There is no good justification for the diversion. She is lovely but I strong be strong and resolute. I am not. I will not regain my focus on the poetry until she is gone from view. Then I shall mourn the loss for a moment and move on. These little distractions in life do occur. We just have to resolve to finally overcome.
vision enraptured
lovely distraction in tow
we must overcome
I Shall Go Guy Watching
And then while lamenting the loss I wll rejoice, my loss will be or is some lady's win-find. :D
those transit employees are
those transit employees are pretty hot from what I hear