Poetry written in dissent and not much can really amount of it. I try to maintain a certain level of integrity in everything I do. I can be dead serious or nonsensical but I try to reach a level of purity in my writing. That attitude may be looked down upon by some but I don’t care. I’m not about to change. I feel an artist has a responsibility to seek truth. I might alter or change my style to better achieve that end but I won’t change just to satisfy some critic. I’m sure I’ll ultimately find my niche in the literary world. It’s a matter of perseverance and effort.
fighting the powers
battling demons within soul
still writing truly
I think this poem shows that
I think this poem shows that you have found your literary niche.
J-9thxciv [pronounced J Ninth Ninety-four]
thank you and I am still
thank you and I am still striving and continuing the journey. I never knew any other way.