the entire concept
of the Red Light District
is really fascinating
it lends new meaning
to the term window shopping
just go strolling
down the alley
with a glean in your eye
It’s weird
I found myself singing
“How much is that hooker in the window”
to the tune of
“How much is that doggie in the window”
If I knew the lyrics
I would probably write a parody
ala Weird Al Yankovic
I don’t
so you’ll just have
to settle for this
The "Doggie In The Window"
The "Doggie In The Window" song has caused me to weep since I was three years old or so. And now, thinking of it again, my eyes are already getting misty.
Seryddwr [fka Starward]
prostitutes do have that
prostitutes do have that effect
When some of my siblings and
When some of my siblings and I were little, our family had forty-fives that mom and dad would play for us. One was "How Much Is That Doggie In the Window?" Reminds me of some seemingly outdated joys, but ones that were so amazing then and probably still are, given the chance: kaleadoscopes, projectors that played individual images of scenes on the wall rather than the fluid tape of movies, cassettes where we'd record music off the radio, and the like. In a lot of ways, my family probably had things that were considered quite outdated at the time (except the cassettes), which is why my parents were able to get them - via someone disgarding them. Anyway, your poem made me think back to all of that. :) But in a more direct, even if somewhat abstract, connection to your poem, I'll share this:
Our neighborhood had a lot of hookers roaming around, for most of my early childhood years. On a few occasions, we had hookers look through our window to see if anyone was home, hoping to steal my sister's drying clothes off of the line (which happened a number of times). "How much is that hooker in the window" brings some different images to mind for me than most readers, I imagine, as such.
songs from our youth do tend
songs from our youth do tend to inspire vivid memories. thank you for commenting and reading
If you’ll allow me..
If you'll allow me..
How much is that hooker in the window?
The one that says 'Marked down, on sale'
How much is that hooker in the window?
I do hope that hooker's female
I notice these hookers in the window
I've been out on a wild bender
My judgement is pretty impaired now
Don't want to f**k a transgender
so you're not an Eddie Murphy
so you're not an Eddie Murphy acolyte?
When it comes to a transgender…
When it comes to a transgender
I'm no Eddie Murphy acolyte
When over I bend a transgender
I'm sorry but something's not right
If I notice something is wagging
I realize it's not a tail
If I don't want to start gagging
I'll say goodbye and run like hail