


Filler poem

with no purpose

other than

to take up


on the page



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redbrick's picture

That's quite the feeling

That's quite the feeling about most of my writes: just stuffing to fill out the gaps in the otherwise awkward writing silences.

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver

georgeschaefer's picture

We're all just filling in

We're all just filling in space.  I think a lot of my writing is throwaway and then someone else reads it and finds something in it.  I wrtie something I'm really proud of and really love and it doesn't resonate with anyone.  I have no problem with filler.  I took up space because I was there.

lyrycsyntyme's picture

You've "created" the black dot on the blank canvas.

Yours is more amusing, though. And won't insanely go for a massive sum of money (sorry).

georgeschaefer's picture

a black dot that would become

a black dot that would become a Rorshach test

lyrycsyntyme's picture

No, no..that's the black

No, no..that's the black smudge. Different : )

georgeschaefer's picture

remember the old typewriters

remember the old typewriters when you could rub your finger over the black dot and make it a black smudge?  I'm sure we'll eventually be able to do that on Word if they haven't already devised such technology.

lyrycsyntyme's picture

Well, in the name of

Well, in the name of progress, we can only hope they will do so.

georgeschaefer's picture

I'll just hope my own words

I'll just hope my own words can form a Rorshach test

lyrycsyntyme's picture

Never stop dreaming, sir.

Never stop dreaming, sir.