And suddenly

I feel like

writing a poem

about a Jamaican prostitute

in Amsterdam


(just how revealing

I should be

remains uncertain)


and the poetry is inspired

and memory lucid

a le recherche

let moment est mort

but we still go on


and memory clings

to the better incidents

and at the superego’s request

also latches on

to a few of the worst


and it was in between

as she was rather stern

and somewhat condescending

which didn’t fuel any fantasies

and diminished the pleasure


but it became a part

of my subconscious memory

and there it sits

potentially awaiting examination


and all I can do

is reflect and mull on it

All, in all,

It’s just a part of life

often time neglected





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Co3ru135c3n7's picture

I like this poem very much. 

I like this poem very much.  Although I have not had a similar experience, it reminded me of a story I recommend to you, Isak Dinisen's short story, The Old Chevalier (spolier alert, the end carries quite a twist).  You have described the memory less verbosely than Dinisen, but with similar impact.


georgeschaefer's picture

just rambling on about

just rambling on about anything that crosses my mind

Co3ru135c3n7's picture

That is often the best kind

That is often the best kind of poetry to write.
