Listening to the live
“Terrapin Limited” Dead show
Uncle Phil’s 50th birthday
and surprise, surprise
a show I actually
managed to attend
I didn’t really remember
the show
as being
one of the band’s finer moments
but the discs
reveal my error
It were a well played show
and listening to shows
you actually attended
can open a floodgate
of all those glorious memories
of those wondrous times
when you still believed
in the positive vibe
but one memory
that strikes a deep chord
is that I broke up a fight
in the parking lot
and was bummed out
all day that a fight
broke out at a Dead show
I was thinking,
“What the Hell is this?
A tractor truck pull event?
Or an NFL game””
People acting like assholes
at Dead shows
always pissed me off
They ruin the festive mood
with their pissy attitudes
I really wanted
to bitch slap the both of them
for fucking up the good vibes
otherwise gone down
without their transgression