Thinking about Nietzsche

                      and Art Blakey

and wanting to read

        “The Art of War” again


without any feeling

        left in the right ear



                  and forever


we are silenced

          like the slaughtered pig

       we eat for breakfast


and I’m getting real tired

                     of all this shit

              don’t think

          I can take it anymore


just trying to get by

             bah, excuses

       don’t need

               to hear all these

          bloody excuses


but the name

           of this poem

               is illiterate

          and I’m babbling



but you keep listening

               in hopes of hearing


exactly what is it

       that we are searching for?


and I guess I remain

          utterly without a clue

finagling along at this pace

              without an idea

      of what is, after all,

              going on around here




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I, for one, keep reading because it is all so thoroughly entertaining. The best part is, I don't have to do any of the searching; you've already formulated the poem, and I just get to kick back and enjoy the creation, whatever it may prove itself to be, utterly acceptant.

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not

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I feel good if I can inspire

I feel good if I can inspire someone or comfort someone in distress.  Hopefully, though, I will inspire others to think and form their own opinions and views.