

Well, now I can

impress all my friends

that are big Doors fans


I have gone

to Paris

and paid a visit

to Jim Morrison’s grave


photographed it

and even got photographed

standing next to it


I can really

blow their minds

by using the photo

on the about the author page

of my second chapbook


originally, I thought

it would be too cliché

why not pose

with Radiquet or Oscar Wilde?


someone else

buried in

the same cemetery

but one that people

with literary backgrounds

would recognize


that way only

the truly learned

would be in on the joke


but since I didn’t

get the other photos

I’ll settle for this one


I know it’s a cliché

by this point

but for now

it’s the best I can do





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Seryddwr's picture

Is it true that he is next to

Is it true that he is next to Chopin?

Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]

georgeschaefer's picture

as far as I know they are not

as far as I know they are not right next to each other--just in the same cemetary.

Seryddwr's picture

Thank you, sir.  I was

Thank you, sir.  I was misinformed.

Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]

georgeschaefer's picture

it's a pretty amazing

it's a pretty amazing cemetery in terms of who is buried there,  I'm sure a lot of misinformation is spread over who is there and where specifically they are buried.