I just love it

when they ruin it

they always have

to tell their folks

I’m a poet


like that’s going

to impress anyone.

Might as well

tell them I’m a leper


Every parent dreams

their daughter finds a poet

that only makes things worse


baby’s getting screwed

by a would be poet

they oughta make

a greeting card


I hear consolation

is a thing now


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this one many, many moons ago.  I'm guessing probably some point in the mid to late 1990's

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SSmoothie's picture

A calling card of any great

A calling card of any great poet is calamity that keeps the mind sharp and the heart well excerisd in all its emotions. I love the.self depreciating poem totally juxtaposed by being a great poem filled with open doors to wander through as any good poet graciously does to explore ideas and further concepts in just the same time it makes to smirk at the last stanza. I enjoyed this especially as a pastime part time poet. Hugss 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

C03ru135c3n7's picture

The great American poet,

The great American poet, Wallace Stevens, who was a Vice President of the Hartford Insurance Company, rarely told business, or casual, acquaintances that he was a Poet.  He said, "They don't seem to get over it, and one is always much more than just a poet."   In his lifetime, he had a far greater reputation as the industry's chief expert on surety bonding than as a poet.  Before the internet became popular, I had published in several small literary magazines, and when I shared this with colleagues at my corporate job (the largest credit union in our area), they did sometimes look at me "funny," proving that Pop Stevens was right.  So I stopped speaking about it at the office, and when I finally got on postpoems---which has been one of the Great Blessings in m life---I did not invite one colleague to visit.  With Stevens, I believe that most people consider poets to be a bunch of eccentrcs or subversives, or communists.  My parents believed that an interest in poetry, or art in general, or the plays of Shakespeare, was an indicator of sexual orientation or political party affiliation.  Poetry can be difficult enough without worrying about the eternal question, which was like my parents' theme song, "What will the neighbors think?"

Coerulescent [fka Starward] <

georgeschaefer's picture

thank you for this

thank you for this informative input.  It is always good to gain new knowledge.  I find that some people do react with consternation when they learn of my poetic pursuit.  I also find others that are interested and even intriqued by it.  I just roll with the punches.

C03ru135c3n7's picture

I apologiz for being a bit

I apologiz for being a bit too verbose; I do like to talk about Wallace Stevens' poetry.

Coerulescent [fka Starward] <

georgeschaefer's picture

no problems.  I enjoy the

no problems.  I enjoy the commentary

C03ru135c3n7's picture

Thank you, sir.  And I very

Thank you, sir.  And I very much enjoyed this poem.

Coerulescent [fka Starward] <