I sometimes hear

guys saying:

“If I could suck my own dick,

I would never leave the house.”


Well, I can’t say

that I wouldn’t

if I could;

it’d be just too tempting


but curiosity killed the cat

or so they say

or maybe avarice or narcissism


but it’s hard to imagine

never leaving the house again


I suppose my mouth

would be more efficient

than my hand


but I still think

I’d want to walk outside

in Autumn air

or gentle summer sunshine


getting your rocks off

is one thing

but only one thing

so I questions these lines


clichés are amusing

but enough is enough


I often wonder

just how much thought

goes into these things



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A contortionist could

Isn't that one of the eight deadly sins? :D



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contortionism? a deadly sin? 

contortionism? a deadly sin?  perhaps