In dream thought we follow
Little Red Riding Hood
through an enchanted forest
haunted with goblins, ghouls
and ghosts
stepping through the dotted lines
we saunter
into infinite disasters
ducking humanicide chemicals
warfare through chemistry
Physics defined by politicians
dark with cynicism
making up new laws as they go
laws of physics
converted to suit their whims
Both one of my students today
Both one of my students today and a storyteller 5000 years ago: "What is this loose leaf paper you speak of?" We go forward to go backwards?
Anyway, that silly musing aside, 1988 is a time I remember, though I was too young to understand what the motions of the world revealed. Your poem is interesting, and I might call it - in my own mind - The Beginning of Today. Humanicide, hmm..yes, indeed. "Give me your huddled masses, that I may more easily wipe them off the face of the planet." The humanity of the green lady, disrobed.
I turned 22 in 1988. Still
I turned 22 in 1988. Still naive enough to believe in the world