Yukon Jack & a cigar
on a night
when I really should be
going to bed early
Well, what more can I say?
It’s a bit embarrassing
I’m supposed to be
a grown up now
no more Spiderman
or Super Friends
and no more delusions
of frathouse keg parties
with tequila quarters
I should be in bed
not sucking down whiskey
they say I should know better
but apparently I don’t
and I’ll see thru bloodshot eyes
and cringe at the slightest sound
above a whisper
but hey, Fucking A!
you can’t always be perfect,
clean shaven and neat
Once in awhile
you gotta rip it out your gut
consider it catharsis
consider it medicinal
You think I’m full of shit
but my spirit is soaring
and my glass is always half full
may your glass not be half
may your glass not be half but totally full...
thank you but I like the
thank you but I like the glass half full. It gives me something to strive for.