to eat a
vegetarian taco
is an
rice and beans
instead of beef
is non-traditional
but it still
tasted pretty good
Twice winner of Nobel Linus Pauling, anthropologists like the elder Leakey,
self realized masters like Sri Yukteswar write that we were frugivores, fruiteaters or fruitarians, long before the entry of animal flesh
Thank you very much for trying the vegetarian taco
I've tried more than one vegetarian taco and also veggie burgers, burritos.
Well, that's a lot of protein haha. Hard to go wrong with rice, beans and corn (flour).
it tasted good. Could have used some Jalapeno peppers though.
I'm all in on adding more spice to a food situation.
Twice winner of Nobel Linus
Twice winner of Nobel Linus Pauling, anthropologists like the elder Leakey,
self realized masters like Sri Yukteswar write that we were frugivores, fruiteaters or fruitarians, long before the entry of animal flesh
Thank you very much for trying the vegetarian taco
I've tried more than one
I've tried more than one vegetarian taco and also veggie burgers, burritos.
Well, that's a lot of protein
Well, that's a lot of protein haha. Hard to go wrong with rice, beans and corn (flour).
it tasted good. Could have
it tasted good. Could have used some Jalapeno peppers though.
I'm all in on adding more
I'm all in on adding more spice to a food situation.