Mayakovsky in blue

             but unable


             to accept

    communism, futurism,



      and though the dada

                 is filtered

         with intellectualism


    though what is

             what it be

      though I see

           & hear

    words of prophets



Little sense made


                 by masses





Flowing streams

              of thought

      slaloming along



           of a poetry








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C03ru135c3n7's picture

I think I get this, but not

I think I get this, but not entirely sure.  Could you explicate this for me?

Coerulescent [fka Starward] <

georgeschaefer's picture

I was kinding making fun of

I was kinding making fun of the swiftness with which some intellectuals were to embrace communism.  I wrote this many moons ago so sometimes, I'm left trying to guess what the Hell I was writing about.

C03ru135c3n7's picture

Understood, and yes, they did

Understood, and yes, they did seem to latch on to the program of what then was called the Social Democrat Party (if I recall my Russian history correctly), which, under the agitation of Lenin evolved into the Bolshevik party and then the Communist party. 

Coerulescent [fka Starward] <

georgeschaefer's picture

People believe all kinds of

People believe all kinds of crazy things these days