on the horizon but invisible to the naked eye or with a sextant

what to call that uncharted area

(uncharted by me)

of your intimate goosebumps

which collides with excitement

in your wistful stride

a well traveled intersection

plotted in thoughts and

designed on a graphic notions

a calculation on the cutting apex of my tongue

that can dot an i or trace an x and y curve

with the best of them

but is only found through

navigation in a tent

filled with lusty ardor

in the wilderness

let the silly elocution of words



from one neuron to another

in the synapses of your flesh

and let you and i uncovered

the arousal of your geography

in the confines a amorous enclosure

where passion condenses

on the synthetic walls

of your temporary retreat

yes i say, with tongue in cheek

loaded with tease and pleasure

let me tell a story of you leaning side to side

and i put words inside your lips that ripple

to and fro

as i wander lost in the suggestion

of your uncharted wilderness

of what is and what could be

a comedy of embracing textures

presented in a movie about tactile meandering

with a musical sound track created by

the endearing sound of your zipper

heading south, due south

as in the dew on a obscene orchid

being cultivated by earthy indulgences

the horticulture of a romance language

that can only be harvested after pretense

has been cultivated into your whimsy

the same way delicate honeymoon panties

spun from the threads of a spiderweb

dance rings around the secular thoughts

flexing with your thighs and the jungle

of your uncharted titillation

take this presumptuous proposals

and conceal it in doilies

of nightstand lingerie

hide it from mature audiences

hide it from your mother

she should never see these graphic blueprints

but i fear she will, not because it is so good

but because you are so mischievous

and because someone has to see

what giggles you around a word

and puts the excitement in your stride

as you wistfully collied with intimate thoughts

as innocent as tomorrow

as this poem attempts to do

while making me

better than i am

better than i could be

but better for finding a poem

that means i can justify the ends

of your intimate terrain

and where it meets up

with goosebumps

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I don't have sufficient words to describe the beauty of this poem!
