
golden rays luminescent amidst the darkness,
unearthly hymns resonate against my soul...

mystical, almost biblical, the lyrics are,
encompassing my soul, making me whole,
penetrating and disintegrating my pain...

airborne, unshorn, like a lamb newborn,
feeling unforlorn...

i know He is here, holding me dear, telling
me not to fear & dry my tears...

i am not alone, He is bringing me home...

i see a luminary blazing, descending in a
rapid fashion... i feel a pull, fast like
a movie reel gone into action...
blinded & lost... all of a sudden i hear
sounds... heart pounds... a spectrum appears
and now i can see & hear...

miracles & spiritual things i now see,
because from my death, i have been freed...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this at a time in my life when I was transitioning from a sense of desolation towards rebirth and reconstruction of life.

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