an American flag
falls over
& I think
of Timothy Leary’s death
& I clean a
a hash pipe screen
using a Kinky Friedman guitar pick.
Sunday afternoon
becomes more somber
but in the echoes
of fire sirens calling
I still feel fine.
Nothing is happening again
& there is absolutely nothing
unusual about that.
I stoke the fires of incense
& hear the saxophone call
I remain unsure
if I should take action
the sun is up
as is the temperature
That may well be
more than enough.
Nothing Ever Happens
Copyright © JessterStarshine
but sometimes everything
but sometimes everything happens
SoOo much Happens!
Copyright © JessterStarshine
The details presented in this
The details presented in this poem create a very haunting, elegaic experience. Without direct;y stating the emotion, you present it---as did the great Imagists of the 20th century, and others, like TS Eliot.
thank you. I greatly
thank you. I greatly appreciate the kind words.