She kept babbling

and it was getting tiresome

to listen to her talk

about whatever it was

she was talking about


but luckily I thought of a line

from Shakespeare 

about stopping her lips with a kiss

or something to that effect


But I skipped Much ado straight to Romeo

“my two lips are standing here like blushing pilgrims

ready to make things better with a kiss.”


It worked

I leaned over

and met her lips with mine

the result was 

a tad more pleasant

than the previous lecture


I think I should consider

Shakespeare my best friend now

His wisdom has proven 

Considerably more beneficial

than the advice I get from friends




Author's Notes/Comments: 

forever young.  I won't give up the ghost.

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allets's picture


Laurell K. Hamilton should have been my mentor. A man as a vampie or werewolf would have provided the correct starting points. Good write - slc



georgeschaefer's picture

fair enough

fair enough

C03ru135c3n7's picture

Back in the seventies, the

Back in the seventies, the college campus was still very chauvinist, and women were often treated like "points" for keeping score.  Dante said no to this, and because of his advice, I, who looked like a nerd (at beast) and a poached egg (at worst) enjoyed two years with a woman, there, who was sometimes mistaken for a fashion model.  Even though the relationship failed--it could not survive outside the artificial enviornment of the campus---the lessons remained.

Coerulescent [fka Starward] <

georgeschaefer's picture

Shakespeare did lack for

Shakespeare did lack for moral fiber in more ways than one.  Not a bad writer though.

C03ru135c3n7's picture

I love his Romeo and Juliet. 

I love his Romeo and Juliet.  During freshman year in high school, 1973, the a.p. english class put on a reading (not a full performance; no costumes, no memorizations, no rehearsals) of R&J, and because this was the seventies, we reversed the genders of the roles, so that I was Juliet and the woman I most deeply despised in the whole school was Romeo.  The tension that placed in our dialogues was terrific.  But I learned a lot about Juliet that way (for example, if one notices closely, Juliet seems a little too aggressive and Romeo a little too passive for most of the play).  My only other real experience of shakespeare was watching Olivier's film of Richard III.  While I loved it, I have since learned that Shakespeare's use of Tudor propganda was detrimental to studies of Richard III and set the scholarship back a couple of hundred years.  

Coerulescent [fka Starward] <

georgeschaefer's picture

Shakespeare was an artist not

Shakespeare was an artist not a politician or historian so he probably got a lot of facts incorrect.