There was a rainbow

Hidden among all those clouds

Spectral bands of light.


Reaching up toward the heavens

And sinking down to the sea.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written on a off and on rainy kind of day in Martinique.

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allets's picture


rock. They sometimes appear unexpectedly long and far reaching and mystical. Like a little "hey human" kinda greeting. - slc



georgeschaefer's picture

and I start thinking of

and I start thinking of scarecrows, tin men and lions

Jesster's picture


Full spectrum. We are always in awe of sightings. Even at their faintest. 

Copyright © JessterStarshine

georgeschaefer's picture

somewhere over the rainbow,

somewhere over the rainbow, right?

Jesster's picture

I might be

I might just be the end of the rainbow protecting the pot of gold. 

Copyright © JessterStarshine

georgeschaefer's picture

the rainbow is its own reward

the rainbow is its own reward