The young lady

with the green hair 

& tattoos on her face

& a skeletal nose ring 

is laughing at my jokes.


She’s actually cute

but not as cute

as her dark haired friend

with the uncluttered face.


They’re both smiling

and laughing at my yarn.


I’m not sure

if they’re laughing at me

or with me

and I’m too afraid to ask.


I lean back

on the wooden chair

and sip my coffee


It’s a rather pleasant afternoon.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

entertaining myself and others at a coffee house.  Who says I need alcools to have a good time?

View georgeschaefer's Full Portfolio
allets's picture


is an indication of having a great time. You go poet! Yarns - nice word. :) slc



georgeschaefer's picture

gotta entertain the

gotta entertain the youngsters before they realize that I'm just old and in the way.

Jesster's picture


Reminds me of some of my friends.

Are you knitting over coffee? 

Copyright © JessterStarshine

georgeschaefer's picture

I used to know how to sew. 

I used to know how to sew.  Now I just spin yarns with my words.