

You always try to find excuses

to get away with it


and people wanna know

what I was doing all night

with that young lady

who followed me up to my room


Of course, it isn’t what you think

I happened to have had

my game of scrabble handy


so we went up to the room

to play a game of scrabble.


She had a few choice words

to throw on the board

I, of course, responded

with careful linguistic skill


words on the tip of the tongue

were formed from letter

laid out on the board


Words entwined;

skillful syllabic juxtaposition

She matched me word for word

letter for letter


It was a vigorous game

of intellectual stimulation

which left us exhausted


It ended in a stalemate, too,

which leaves the door open

for a rematch at a later date

to finally determine a winner.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

When you finally acknowledge that you are too old to play Twister

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Jesster's picture


This was a fun read

Copyright © JessterStarshine

georgeschaefer's picture

I remember it being a fun

I remember it being a fun write, too.  Thanks for reading and commenting.

allets's picture


I played that one time only. Scrabble, goos sub. :) slc



georgeschaefer's picture

Scrabble is such an

Scrabble is such an intellectual game. LOL.  Next, I will challenge her to a game of risk.  Maybe we'll change the rules and jointly rule the world together.

J-C4113d's picture

I really enjoyed this.

I really enjoyed this.

J-Called [fka Starward]

georgeschaefer's picture

Thanks for dropping by

Thanks for dropping by