

I found these words

scratched onto 

a brown napkin

made from recycled paper


in a handwriting vaguely

resembling my own

probably written

on a festive, Bacchanal eve.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I've written lots of poems, verses and adages on napkins over the years.  This isn't one of them.

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allets's picture

I Too Have Written On Paper Napkins

Also on the backs of reciepts and the brown paper from the bathroom dispenser for drying hands - okay paper. But I always find them and type them up amazed. Denial is not good for napkin written verses especially in your handwriting. The proverbai jig is pointing skyward. - :D




georgeschaefer's picture

brown paper bags, the inside

brown paper bags, the inside of cardboard boxes, toilet paper.  It all works.  thanks for reading.

J-9thxciv's picture

They are handy for that!

They are handy for that!


georgeschaefer's picture

And they work better than

And they work better than paper towels, actually.  Thanks for reading and commenting.

J-9thxciv's picture

Yes they do.  I have a supply

Yes they do.  I have a supply in my desk at work, just in case a Tanka or Haiku comes to me in all that chaos.


georgeschaefer's picture

or crayons to write on a

or crayons to write on a brown paper bag.  It's all good.