

Sitting on a ledge

looking around and noticing

4 unripened cherry tomatoes

jettisoned from a picnic basket.


They just lie on the ground

getting dirty as dust kicks us

on a too dry day.


One is crushed;

all are ignored by ants

and other critters that might

randomly wander by.


A slice of cucumber

sits nearby

also abandoned by picnickers

They were all damned

& expunged from their group.


They mock me

as they lie there

awaiting their fate.

The critters will consume them 

as soon as the humanoid lifeforms

depart the park.


I must come

to accept my own fate

soon enough

just as they accept theirs.


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allets's picture

Commentator and Observer

And this is what happened when I went one day and did this thing. - Go poet! - slc



georgeschaefer's picture

I try to follow Basho's

I try to follow Basho's advice:  "To lead a beautiful life is the best poetry.  It is better to live poetry than to write poetry. "  Of course, when you live poetry the writing will follow.  As always thanks for the input and commentary on the poems.